Poster/Oral Awards

The organizers of the 11ENC are pleased to announce that Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry is generously sponsoring Best Poster/Oral Awards at this year's meetings: Two awards in the value of 100 € each, in form of a Springer book voucher.

Two (2) scholarships (one best poster and one best oral to young scientists consisting in the free registration to ISCC and GCxGC, including participation to short courses).



September 30, 2019 
Abstract deadline for an Oral Presentation to be included in the Book of Abstracts

October 30 November 11, 2019
 Abstract deadline for a Poster Presentation to be included in the Book of

November 15, 2019
 Within this date, information will be given on the acceptance of oral presentations
Please remember that you must pay the reduced registration fee by November 20, 2019 or the normal fee by November 30, 2019. If no payment is made by these dates, then the abstract will not be included in the program and book of abstracts.

November 20, 2019
 Deadline for Reduced Registration

November 30, 2019
 Deadline for Normal Registration

December 1, 2019
 Preliminary Program

December 7-8,11, 2019

December 9-11, 2019
 11th ENC